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Case study: Give young workers living, breathing career path examples

Promoting junior employees into management roles gives other young workers a living, breathing example of the career path available to them, which can encourage them to pursue the same progression, according to a veteran from high-profile youth employer McDonald's Australia.

Maximise the value of overseas postings - for everyone

As the glamorous overseas posting becomes a thing of the past, with perks like fully-serviced accommodation and round-the-clock childcare disappearing, employers need to consider what kinds of benefits maximise the employee experience in an environment of cost-containment, according to Mercer Investments financial advice team leader George Mileski.

Webcast: Terminating Poor Performers

Even when you are clearly justified in terminating an employee for poor performance, failing to do so properly can have major ramifications. Watch this webcast to minimise your legal risks when managing under-performance.

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