Browsing: Diversity & inclusion | Page 25 (480 items)

Westpac, Australia Post achieve gender targets; Reducing 'everyday s-xism' at work; and more

Westpac has achieved its goal of having a gender-balanced leadership team, it has announced, while releasing research that shows by how much workplace gender equality can increase profitability. Meanwhile, a new report highlights ways to eliminate 'everyday s-xism' at work; workplace inclusion requires a focus on identity; and more.

Pay expectations increase; Whistleblower authority proposed; DV research; and more

Australian employees' pay rise expectations are at a six-year high, new research shows. Meanwhile, an inquiry has recommended whistleblower rewards as part of a new penalty regime; workplace domestic violence management is failing; and more.

What drives HR jobseekers; Part-time work increases overstated; and more

The factors that attract HR professionals to a new role differ significantly in some important ways from those of the candidates they're hoping to employ, research shows. Meanwhile, data tells a new story about increases in part-time work, Australian employers' hiring enthusiasm still hasn't recovered post-GFC, and more.

Employer branding, presenteeism, automation research; and more

HR and recruitment teams, rather than corporate communications departments, are best placed to develop employer branding strategies, and it's no longer enough for these to be consistent rather than tailored to talent segments, according to new research. Meanwhile, "pathologically high" daytime sleepiness is damaging productivity, employers are urged to keep marriage equality debate "calm", and more.

Page 25 of 48 | Total articles: 480