Browsing: Blog posts | Page 56 (589 items)

Blog post: Tips for social media reference checking (if you must)

Being transparent, authentic and honest in your conversations with people who are interested in joining you is key. And that extends to telling them that you're using social media to evaluate them, how you're evaluating them and giving them the opportunity to be actively involved in the discussion...

Blog post: We interrupt your regular program... Gen Y is taking over

What employers need to realise is that Gen Y'ers do have needs. Who says we can't ask for a work life balance? Who says we have to live and breathe our jobs, even if they're totally unrewarding? Who says we have to do things the same old boring way when we can see a fresh new fun way of achieving a better result?

Blog post: Employee timesheets - the rules

As a legal minimum, employers are required to keep employee timesheets of hours worked by staff, in so far as an employee is working overtime hours which attract a penalty rate or a loading...

Blog post: How engaged are your employees?

How many organisations' employees are so engaged that they would give everything into every single transaction they perform? How many managers would still provide a stand ovation to their employees for a fantastic job, even if there were a few hiccups along the way?

Blog post: On Defense and diamonds

Watch for the employees who attempt to or are able to respond with a level head to retorts by defensive employees. Watch for the ones who see through the bluster and who do not get into the muck. Take a look at those who take the high road...

Blog post: It's recognition not rocket science

Many managers would argue that lame recognition programs are a result of not having the budget to buy cool things, but I would argue that lame recognition programs are a result of the manager being lazy...

Page 56 of 59 | Total articles: 589