This week's top stories in brief

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The Federal Government is injecting an extra $15.6 million into the JobKeeper scheme, reversing some of the tightened eligibility rules announced as part of 'JobKeeper 2.0'. This article also covers new work permits in Victoria and the lockdown impact on jobs in the State.


With employees across the country working from home many leaders are calling this "the new normal", but Catalina Consultants founder Merilyn Speiser says the future of the workplace requires a balance between old and new practices. She suggests the future of work is a blended model, but she stresses there is no one-size-fits-all approach.


Most organisations don't yet have a defined strategy or plan to navigate their shift towards agile HR, but four principles can guide them, says Gartner HR vice president Aaron McEwan. He says when creating agile HR strategies it's important to prioritise the organisation's customer base – its employees – rather than "interfering" with their work.

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The second wave of COVID-19 is far more demotivating than the initial impact of the pandemic – a reaction that is heightened by unmotivated leaders, says leadership specialist Mark LeBusque. If an employee appears demotivated, LeBusque suggests leaders first reflect on whether any aspects of their own behaviour could be influencing their productivity.


Instead of looking for ways to return to "business as usual", employers could use the continuing uncertainty to turn short-term workplace changes into long-term innovation strategies, says Ideas With Legs innovation consultant Nils Vesk. Many employers are "missing out on an opportunity" to evolve the way they treat their virtual workspaces and aren't "stepping up to the plate".


The Fair Work Commission has slammed an employer's "manifestly inadequate" HR practices, after finding an employee was forced to resign because his bullying complaints weren't taken seriously. The HR officer was also criticised for "negligent, careless or incompetent" conduct.

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HR demand shifting focus beyond credentials

The HR profession continues to be "very invested in formal qualifications and formally gained credentials", but there are signs it's starting to recognise these "are not actually the 'be all and end all'", an experienced HR recruitment specialist says. more